These are books I recommend to anyone interested in mindfulness, attachment and developmental psychology.
A Path With Heart
This book orients the reader toward a loving awareness of the present moment.
A practical and actionable way to have more collaborative and loving relationships.
No Bad Parts
The founder of IFS explains his model simply and with practical and powerful exercises.
A Different Mirror
A history of the United States told exclusively from the perspective of the immigrant “other.”
Habits of a Happy Brain
A primer on the basic neurotransmitters that rule our mood and drive our actions.
Love's Executioner
A candid look into a therapist’s process.
Already Free
A look at the intersections and differences between developmental (western) psychotherapy and Buddhist philosophy.
The Drama of the Gifted Child
A focus on the developmental delays that occur when a child is made to perform, please others first, and ignore their own needs.
Be Here Now
A classic for a reason.
A practical way to learn about adult intimacy and attachment.
Calling In The One
If you’re ready to find a lasting relationship, this book is as direct as it gets.
Hold Me Tight
The founder of EFT, one of the most widely used couples therapies, breaks her system down into a fun and engaging book.